Mid-Summer Update

Ghalia Aamer
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Can’t believe it’s already been a month since my first blog post! My time at Yaletown Partners as an intern has been incredible. I wrapped up my internship at the end of July after helping with due diligence on a new investment so that I can now work on my own startup, TalkMaze, full-time for the month of August.

Our final team meeting before wrapping up my internship!

As restrictions eased, I had multiple opportunities to meet the Accelerate Fund team in person and this was a key part of my experience. In fact, we all had the chance to attend Startup TNT together where we networked with other investors and entrepreneurs. I made tons of friends including an intern at another organization whose name is also Ghalia! I’ve never had that happen before.

Meet Ghalia (right) and Ghalia (left) 😉

During one of our meetings, I asked Arden and Yasmine to share their one piece of advice for anyone interested in entering the venture capital world! Watch the videos below to learn from some experts.

In Other News…

TalkMaze was awarded first place in the country at the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards Nationals! This is huge for TalkMaze because it is going to give us the funding and exposure to amplify our mission of empowering students around the world with effective communication skills.

Looking Ahead

I’m spending August in Vancouver with two other Cansbridge Fellows, Gen and Shiyan. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to meet new people and explore a new city especially after being home throughout the pandemic. Stay tuned to hear more about my adventures in British Columbia! In Vancouver, I’ll be working full-time on TalkMaze while also spending time enjoying the city, meeting new people, and continuing my work in the community.

On the way to Vancouver!

Thank you again to all my mentors, family, friends, the Accelerate Fund and Yaletown Partners teams, the Cansbridge Fellowship, Mitacs, and everyone else who has been a monumental part of making this happen. I look forward to sharing the rest of my journey with you.

